It’s a great time to explore the Highlands – on foot!
Our unique hiking trails are easily accessible and provide residents and visitors with thrilling natural vistas and views.
One of the most famous trails in Lanark Highlands is the one to Blueberry Mountain. Named one of the seven wonders of Lanark County, the hike up to the highest point in the Highlands offers unforgettable vistas, and yes, wild blueberries. Situated near Flower Station on Hills of Peace Road, Blueberry Mountain trail is one of many on the CliffLAND property which is protected by a land-trust conservation easement. It’s open year-round by appointment. Call 613-259-3412.
The Lanark County Municipal Trails Corporation manages trails on county-owned property with a particular interest in offering accessible trail options.
One of those is the Baird Trail. Featuring huge maple and beech trees, old rail fences and even a boardwalk through a wetland, the trail located on Herron Mills Road is beginner-level and well worth the drive.
Other trails in the Highlands include Kate’s Lake trail near Tatlock on Crown Land, the K&P Trail which follows the former Kingston to Pembroke railway line, Lammermoor Road trail near Hopetown, and more. Local sugarbushes, Wheeler’s Maple Syrup Camp and Pancake House near McDonald’s Corners and Temple’s Sugar Bush on Ferguson’s Falls Road also have associated trails and interpretive walks through their land.
For a listing of unique Highlands trails, check out or take advantage of specialized trail maps at We look forward to seeing you hike the Highlands!